This energy was received by Olga - Zaviera Gukova from Melek Metatron.
It helps to overcome many deep-rooted fears and persistent states of consciousness. This energy supports and aids during difficult times in life, alleviating muscle tension caused by constant fear and uncertainty in various parts of our body.
You will immediately feel your lungs fill with vital air as the muscle tension in your chest relaxes. You will feel warmth in your abdomen and solar plexus area. You will sense with your entire being that fear is leaving your body.
After several sessions with the Elixir Energy, people experience:- Normalized sleep
- Relief from constant muscle tension caused by fear and anxiety
- A return of joy in life
- Faith in their own abilities
- Improved overall health
This support from the Higher World is given to humanity. They do everything to help us overcome our outdated behavioral methods. All of this is no longer in alignment with the new time and the vibration currently on Planet Earth.
Allow the new to enter you, but before doing so, you need to erase the old fears and tensions accumulated over the years that constrain your entire body and consciousness.
After initiation, you gain the right to initiate others.